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How to educate children in the study

Studying is not natural for everyone. Especially when you are at an early age . So , you may need to teach your children organizational skills to study and preserve the information they need in their school life. We must educate the children to prepare for tests of study they will face . Come back for a moment back to when you were a little students : did anyone ever taught you how you had to study? An adult can say and say the children to study, but until you understand how and why you should study , these efforts may be in vain ! Everyone would like their children to get good grades in school , but more importantly, you learn that what they study . Here's how to teach them to study and learn something at the same time .

Learn how to make day to day tasks : 

teach children to learn what they need to study each day. This will teach them not to procrastinate the work .
Taught to take notes , teach children to "go beyond" the main textbook . The more you remember every day , the easier it will become to study. If you take notes and will cover the basic points every day , the study will become easier and more productive .
See that studies frequently with another child : 
encourage a child to form a study group, can be very useful for his future school . Especially if the learning is done in the form of the game: in this way it will be easier for them to learn a thing from memory. They will also learn that when the time comes to do a test , will not have to study a lot , because they will have studied all the time without even realizing it!
Find computer games that help stimulate and improve the child's memory . This can only be a great help when it comes time to study for tests in the future more "serious " and demanding . Remember that momoria go and study of paro step .
Take your child to study in a quiet space . Study in front of the television or at the dining table is not cheap! The child must " store " a large amount of information and therefore the study will be free from distractions and various noises . In this way , will be able to concentrate better and better store the information . Develop this habit so soon, will be very useful in the future , especially at the university.

Find the time to review the lesson together. A child can read and reread the lesson many times, but learn better it will be supported by an adult. Let him questions and help him in every possible way . The active participation of having to answer questions will help you to remember important information and responsibilise .
Make learning fun ! No child likes to study , but it certainly should never think that this work is horrible! When you encounter a child a little bit lazy , you can develop its storage capacity through puns . When he has done his job , promise him a reward if you have done well! In this way he will learn while having fun and the study will not become boring!

Latest tips

Encourage him . If your child does not seem to grasp the information right away, that's okay . Encourage and review the lesson with him. And praise him when he makes good homework. Help him gain the confidence he will need .
Be firm on the development of good study habits . Make sure you learn immediately of good study habits so that it knows " keep up " even when you are not there to remind him.
Remember that anything that can help improve the child's memory will help him study better !
The games are always a great way to help the children in the study .

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